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Do you accept my insurance?We DO NOT accept Medicare, Medicaid, auto accident, worker's compensation, and personal injury patients, nor can we accept Medicare, Medicaid, workers comp, or personal injury patients who want to make "out of pocket" payments. The insurances we accept are listed below. Aetna (Not Healthkeepers) Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Anthem Care First ​​ For The Above Insurances. We Will File All Claims and collect your co-pay/coinsurance once your deductible has been reached. ​ Patients without the above in-network insurance are responsible for payment at the time of service. If you have other out-of-network insurance with benefits, we will be glad to provide a receipt that you can send to your insurance company for reimbursement directly to you. Currently, Laser and Compression Therapies are not covered by insurance and are an out-of-pocket expense; discounted packages are an option.
What if I don't have insurance?That's no problem. For those without insurance we have reasonable cash fees and services to make getting well affordable for all.
How do I know if chiropractic is right for me?That’s what we’re here for! We pride ourselves on ONLY treating patients that we think chiropractic care can help. If we don't think that chiropractic is the best fit for you, we are happy to try and point you in the right direction. We invite you to schedule your first appointment so we can learn more about your needs.
What services do you provide?Our individualized approach allows us to help our patients get better results faster. Whether you are suffering from chronic pain or a more recent injury, we can help. We would love the opportunity to be your chiropractor. ​ Short-term chiropractic care Wellness chiropractic care Spinal Decompression Sports injury treatment Chiropractic for kids Active Release Technique (ART) Graston technique Deep tissue laser therapy Percussion/vibration therapy Kinesio taping Patient-specific online rehab programs
What conditions do you treat?Over the years, we have been able to help patients with a wide variety of conditions. Below are some of the most common conditions that we treat in our office. Back Pain Low Back Pain Neck Pain Sciatica Headaches Plantar Fasciitis Sports Injuries Shoulder Impingement Femoral Acetabular Impingement(Anterior Hip Pinching) IT Band Syndrome Golfers Elbow Shin Splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome) Disc Herniations Carpal Tunnel Syndorme TMJ Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Knee Pain Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Muscle Strains Glute Medius Syndrome (Dead Butt Syndrome) Shoulder Pain Tennis Elbow Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Pronator Teres Syndrome Neuropathy Upper Cross Syndrome Lower Cross Syndrome Arthritis Chronic pain
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